Benjamin Fulford 5-12-14… “Lots of chatter about arrests, take-down of Zionist/Nazi cabal”

Lots of chatter about arrests, take-down of Zionist/Nazi cabalThere is lots of chatter in e-mails, blogs, and direct news sources indicating that some sort of take-down of the Zionist/Nazi cabal is under way. At the same time, there are many signs in the so-called mainstream news that the United States corporate government is isolated. “(US Defense Secretary Chuck) Hagel, (US Secretary of State John) Kerry and (former US Secretary of State Condoleezza) Rice have become international pariahs,” is how an MI5 source described the situation.

via Benjamin Fulford 5-12-14… “Lots of chatter about arrests, take-down of Zionist/Nazi cabal”.

About PurpleDragon

Regression Therapist - Past Life Regressions
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