
Positive Thoughts Hypnosis,  Isis, in this life, is trained in Basic and Advanced Hypnotherapy, Clinical and Transpersonal Hypnosis Techniques for Weight Management, Smoking Cessation, and Stress Management by an International Association of Counselors & Therapists (IACT) accredited trainer.ma2
I am also trained in Past Life Regression and hypnosis (PLR), which is actually my passion because I get in touch with my soul guides and other people guides. Through PLRs, I help other people soul guides to communicate with their “pupils” :-). I do past life regressions for people who are guided to me, so they can be helped.

PLR is a great way to explore past memories and how they are related to your life today, to help you clear any unresolved patterns carried over from past life incarnations.
I am a certified hypnotherapist and regressionist, member of the International Association for Regression Research & Therapies. I also hold a Master of Science in Engineering.

My journey on this planet, includes a past life as Isis,_Isis-BlackPharaoh (1) the
highest priestess of the land in Atlantis.

Another past life was in France, during French Revolution time, working with St. Germain to establish the St. Germain prosperity fund.


IMPORTANT: What I post on Positive Thoughts Hypnosis, and on my FaceBook pages, are messages from the Ascended Masters and Cosmic Beings that need to reach us, at this time,  here on Earth. Their words decode our DNA, and uplift our energetic vibrations. There are secret codes in the messages. Who reads the words will benefit through unlocking their ancient knowledge of their soul. 

The same is true for the books I recommend.

With Light and Love.
Isis   positivethoughtshypnosis@gmail.com

PS: You can find in the Ultimate Guidance Center the books I recommend to help you start. You even have links to the Amazon site, so you can buy, and read, the books.

Before having a past live experience, you should become familiar with what a past life regression is. Being interested in your past lives, it means that your soul guides try to bring to your attention something from a past life to help you in this life. The time is short. “You will be guided and initiated to remember your soul purpose, here, at this time” (your souls Guides)

When the Divine time is right, I will offer past lives regressions through Skype. Follow PositiveThoughtsHypnosis.com to find when that happens.

Isis  MSc, CRT, CHt                     positivethoughtshypnosis@gmail.com

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